Clothing Drive
For the month of November, my community service consisted of November, my community service consisted of a clothing drive at the Gran Commission Pentecostal Church. Prior to the beginning of the event various channels were utilized to promote the clothing drive which included social media, bulletin boards, and was announced within the community. The event started approximately at 9AM. As the donations came in, we organized the clothing items and ensured that all items were in good condition and cleaned. I assisted sorting the clothing according to size, gender and type. This makes the process easier during the distribution process. After everything was assembled and packaged appropriately, we greed and guided all the participants as they entered the church area, we explained the rules/limits on the number of items everyone could acquire. This was a wonderful experience, I was able to capture few highlights during the event of the importance of a clothing drive and created videos of people sharing their stories, testimonials and images of previous drives. We concluded the event by expressing gratitude to those who took part of their day to donate clothing items. The church created a "Thank you" board and a social media post shouting out all the donators/contributors. This event fulfilled my heart by making other people happy.
Volunteered: 4 hours
Total number of volunteering: 12 hours
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